Our promise to you is to create high-quality, timeless and functional bags at attainable prices, that elevate your everyday attire and leave you feeling polished and confident.
"I have always loved high quality designer handbags - the look, the feel, the smell! What I have never loved is their unattainable pricetag! Until 2018, on my gap (maternity leave) year living in Florence, where I discovered the secrets of the designer handbag trade. After a year building relationships with the same factories that make GUCCI and Prada handbags, studying their age-old leather craftsmanship and sourcing the same genuine Italian leather, I learnt I could develop my own collection of high quality leather handbags and accessories without the designer markup. And so, HARRY AUSTIN was born!”
- Katie, Founder & Chief Designer
Our bags are made from 100% genuine natural-grain Italian leather with a pebbled finish. Each bag is expertly handcrafted to look and feel softly structured and lightweight, to be durable and water-resistant and exude a rich earthy leather aroma. We’ve also invested heavily in a top quality striped canvas lining that most other brands deem too expensive to use. For us, a top-quality product begins with exceptional ingredients.
HARRY AUSTIN is Australian owned and operated and delivers worldwide.
We are sold predominantly online, so we can cut out the middle men and wholesale mark-up and pass the savings onto you!
We offer Free Shipping Australia wide & Easy Returns, plus a 6 month Warranty so that our customers always feel empowered and confident when purchasing with us.